Adding a SATA disk

The Banana Pi has a SATA port and a power port for the SATA disk. A specific cable is required

Create a partition with GParted.

create folder /media/blaze

edit /etc/fstab


/dev/sda1 /media/blaze ext4 noauto,relatime 0 0

The noauto parameter is important. If you leave it out and no SATA disk is connected, the computer will not boot because it is stuck waiting for the disk.

change owner of /media/blaze to yourself

chown bananapi:bananapi /media/blaze

mount the partition

mount /media/blaze

Install the Operating System on the SATA disk

Now the big question:

Can you boot the Banana Pi from the SATA disk?


But you can have a small boot loader on an SD card and have the system on the SATA disk.

How to: Banana Pi booting from SSD using Lubuntu / Raspbian

To copy the OS from the SD-card to the SATA disk:

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media
sudo rsync -ax / /media

To change the root to the SATA disk:

sudo mkdir /mnt/SDpart1
sudo mount  /dev/mmcblk0p1  /mnt/SDpart1
nano /mnt/SDpart1/uEnv.txt

In the last line, change




No power on SATA disk problem

This may be as simple as choosing the correct USB connector:

=================================== old =================

There is no voltage on the sata power output in my banana pro?

Now, if you're powering your board using the OTG micro USB, the disk is not powered.

Why the SATA disk doesnt work on BPi-R1

View and make changes to script.bin:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo apt-get install pkg-config


sudo mkdir /mnt/SDpart1
sudo mount  /dev/mmcblk0p1  /mnt/SDpart1

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