CNC Eagle Usage

The design cycle starts with designing a schematic. Then you create a board from the schematic.

The board will initially have all the components scattered outside of the board area, and the wire connections shown as thin lines ("ratsnest")

Move all the components onto the board area, then invoke autorouter. Now you can improve the board layout.

Removing all traces

If you have run the autorouter and the traces are done, and you change some options and want to redo the board, enter the command ripup; in the command box:

This will remove all the routing and you can restart it.

Removing one trace

To remove individual traces, right click on the trace and click on ripup.

Modifying the default routing options

open the board editor

open the menu Tools -> DRC


Eagle default:

PCB milling:


Eagle default:

PCB milling:


The traces created with the default options may be too small for the milling process. You can increase the size of all traces:

Eagle default:

PCB milling:


The pads might be too small for soldering when the through holes are drilled.

Eagle default:

PCB milling:

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