Temperature and Humidity Sensor Network Details

Temperature and Humidity Sensor Network with Arduino and Ubuntu


  • PC capable of running Ubuntu 10.10, USB port, ethernet port
  • Arduino Duemilanove
(Many sources, for example Amazon)
  • Ethernet shield
  • Sensor board: Modern Device SHT21
  • 10 pin flat ribbon cable
  • Pin header right angle
Project Enclosure:
Note: I am not being paid by any of the hardware stores to advertise their products, I am just saying that that’s where I bought the hardware.

Software Environment

Ubuntu 10.10
Firefox (version >= 3.6.16)
flot 0.6 (newer version probably works)

Connecting the Arduino with the PC over Ethernet

On PC:
right-click on network-manager and select “Edit connections”
System-menu, System->Preferences->Network Connections
Click on the Wired Tab, click on Add
then enter as in screenshots

Note that the last of the four numbers can be any number between 0 and 255, but the first three have to be the same as the first three numbers on the Arduino. In my example, I chose as the address for the Arduino, so the first three numbers for the PC need to be 192.168.1.
This connection does not interfere with the Wifi connection, so you can be connected to the Internet while the Arduino is plugged into the only ethernet port on a laptop.
Connect the Arduino to the PC with an Ethernet cable. Modern PC’s do not even need a cross-over cable, a standard straight-through cable works.
Then, left-click on network-manager

And click on “Arduino”

And you should see the message that indicates that the Arduino and the PC are now connected.

Testing the connection with a Telnet session

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Request a temperature value by typing ‘t’ and then the ENTER key:
1 Temperature: 72.13
2 Temperature: 72.15
3 Temperature: 72.17
Request a humidity value by typing ‘h’ and then the ENTER key:
12 Humidity: 63.76
13 Humidity: 63.60
14 Humidity: 63.57

Source Code

Considered Improvements

Combine the script files into one file

In order to retrieve a measurement value, a telnet session must be open to communicate with the Arduino. It would be very inefficient to open and close a new telnet session for every single value; it is more efficient to open a telnet session, to retrieve measurement values in a loop, and to leave the telnet session open until the program closes. The down side is that it not possible to call a function that is inside of a loop. This is why I initially wrote two script files: one with the telnet loop, and one for the JSON format conversion.
Obviously, it would be nice to call a function that retrieves a measurement value from the Arduino and have just one script file. One possible way to deal with the telnet session issue is, instead of opening and closing a session for every single value, to inquire whether a session is open, and if not, open one. This should have the added advantage that if a session was unintentionally closed, it would be re-opened.

MySQL Database

There are several advantages to storing the measurement data in a database. First, when a LAMP software stack is installed (Linux - Apache - MySQL - PHP), the web page script can issue a JSON request and the database will generate the data with built-in calls, there is no longer the need to manually assemble the JSON file. Second, having the data in a database leads to a somewhat standardized way to access the data, as opposed to a data file with an arbirtrary format. Third, it would be fun to learn LAMP, to design a relational database, and to play with other visualization software that uses databases.

Distributed Architecture

At this time, the design relies on a server that polls the data from the Arduino and stores them on the server storage. The web page client then retrieves the data from the server and plots them. Alternatively, a client may be able to connect to the Arduino directly and retrieve the data from the Arduino. In this scenario, the web page HTML code and Flot Javascript library files could still be stored on a PC, and the measurement data could be stored on the ethernet shield’s SD card. There are Ajax libraries for the Arduino that could hopefully send data in JSON format. A scenario that goes even further is where the web page itself is generated on the Arduino, so a client’s HTML request points directly to the Arduino’s IP address. But how do you store the Flot library on an Arduino?

Source Code Management

Since this is beginning to look like an ongoing evolving project, with multiple development branches, so I’ll probably start using a source code management tool (think version control)
I have used CVS and Subversion in the past, but git seems to be the new evolving standard. Linus Torvalds thinks git is not only better than CVS and subversion, but CVS and subversion are .. well, see for yourself what he has to say :-)

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